Have you ever had to do with Polish labour law? Probably not but since there are many US and UK based companies opening their branch offices or operating in Poland there is a chance you may soon have to deal with it, either as an employer representative or an employee.
Polish labour code
If that is the case, the first and foremost piece of legislation that you need to look into is the Polish labour code.
The Polish labour code will tell you:
- how to conclude an employment contract and how to terminate it,
- how to manage wages,
- what are employee and employer statutory duties,
- how you can prevent employee competitive activity via non compete agreements,
- when the employee is liable for damage or loss caused to you,
- what you need to know about work time, leaves and parents’ rights,
- whether you can employ a minor,
- what safe and healthy measures you need to take in your workplace,
- how to go about union agreements (barganing agreements),
- when you may be charged with an offence against an employee.
Collective dismissals and trade unions
For more detailed issues you may need to look into specific pieces of legislation. For example, if you require information on mass layoffs, you will have to get familiar with the Collective Dismissals Act. If you are concerned with trade unions and their rights, the right act for you would the Trade Unions Act. There are many more. Some professions have their own acts to govern their particular emloyment contracts and rights.