Full-time vs. part-time work

full time or part time

Full-time or part-time work?

Employees may work on a full-time or a part-time basis, whichever is agreed with the employer. There are no particular restrictions in this respect. The choice of the working time scheme is left to the parties to the employment contract.

However, full-time or part-time employment affects mutual rights and obligation of the employee and the employer.

No discrimination

First, it is forbidden to discriminate part-time employees or favour full-time employees with respect to entering into or termination the employment contract, employment terms, promotion or access to professional training. Second, employers are required to inform their employees about opportunities of full-time or part-time employment.
Read more:  Termination of employment via a mutual agreement

Impact on overtime and vacation leave

Third, part-time employment affects the rules of overtime and paid vacation leave. The amount of vacation leave of a part-time employee should be calculated in proportion to that employee’s working time, with fractions being rounded up to a full day of leave. Further, a part-time employee working longer than stated in their employment contract will not be considered as working overtime provided that the 8-hour-per-day limit has not been exceeded. In this case the employment contract can indicate the number of hours above the contractual working time, exceeding of which earns the part-time employee the right to overtime premium. If it does not, the employee will not be entitled to overtime premium, even though they worked longer than provided in the contract (as long as working time did not exceed 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week).

Read more:  How much time do you work in Poland?

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